July 2000: There's Hair on our Spears
Since this site began, we've received more
questions about one woman's hairstyle than any other.
Considering how popular Britney Spears is, it's not
surprising. But she's displayed so many hair lengths and
variations that you may be puzzled about exactly what her
real style is. So let's answer some "FAQ's" about this
singing superstar.
* How long is her hair -- really? A major
change apparently occurred on Tuesday, March 28. Allure
magazine's June issue reports on that day, Serge Normant
"spontaneously chopped Spears's golden hair (with her
permission, of course)" for a cover story.
The picture above, from a TV Guide online gallery, accurately reflects her current style. It's trimmed rather bluntly, a bit above the shoulders. On the day of the cut, she reportedly called it "sassy and sophisticated." But Spears recently was quoted in Germany's InStyle magazine as saying she's unhappy with the shorter look.
* One writer asked us, "How does Spears
get her ends looking so full and bold?" (Apparently this
refers to the old length.) We called Spears's hometown for
guidance, but folks in Kentwood, Louisiana seemed so
protective of their star that they offered no help. We were
told her local stylist is "Kelly Melton," but she's not listed in
the phone records.
As it happens, Spears was the celebrity "style of the month" at a Memphis stylist's web site. (Our thanks to the e-mail writer who called this site to our attention.) George Caroll suggests tapering the ends of the strands, rinsing the hair in cold or cool water for extra body, then blowing the hair dry.
* Does Spears wear extensions? At
times, yes. She told the June Allure about shooting the video
for "Oops!.... I Did It Again," and getting back to her hotel
at two in the morning. "I had to take all the extensions out
of my hair," she revealed.
* Does Spears have Super-Hair? Under our
definition, no. While she has an impressive ability to keep it
out of her eyes through most of her fast-moving routines on
stage and videos, plenty of pictures exist with her hair
covering her face. (Of course, in a real Super-Hair War, she
might move too fast for anyone to pin it down.)
Perhaps if she combed it back in a "teasing" way or used an extra-firm mousse or gel, she could avoid these messes. We should note, though, that Spears's video moves are a good advertisement for how well extensions can grip and hold.
* Is she really engaged to Justin Timberlake? Sorry, wrong web site.
SUMMARY: Lovely to look at, but not that much hold. We should note Spears's autobiography, in which she says she's not trying to set fashion trends - but encouraging young women to set their own.
Super-Hair Q's Archive:
May 2000 - Shania Twain
March 2000 - Jessica Simpson
Is there a particular woman you'd like us to interview? Do you have a question we should ask? Do you know a woman who's willing to share her secrets of hair success? Simply e-mail us:
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