

July 2001: Miss Georgia 2001

Hundreds of young women enter local pageants each year, dreaming of being crowned Miss America. While the Miss America Organization doesn't like to call them beauty pageants, a beautiful appearance sure doesn't hurt -- from the hairstyle down.

How do these women develop hair that might help them impress the judges? Super-Hair selected three local champions who competed in the Miss Georgia 2001 pageant -- women who impressed us with styles of various lengths. We'll post an interview with each of them over the next few months.

Call it a hunch, but one of our choices was EMILY FOSTER -- who won the crown June 30! She's a summa cum laude college graduate, in her second year of dental school. When we talked with her a day before she won, Emily was happily surprised merely to win a preliminary swimsuit competition. And we were surprised to learn from the pageant staff who's behind these flowing medium-long locks:

SUPER-HAIR: When I asked to interview you about your hair, you just laughed! Why?

EMILY FOSTER: Well, I've never really had a hair stylist - ever! My mom's always cut my hair.... I didn't really know what to say. I was very flattered, but didn't have much to tell you about my hair. There's not much to it.

S-H: Describe your style for us. How would you describe it?

EF: I've always had the same length hair until recently, so I did get it layered a little bit recently. I roll it a lot on hot rollers, and I use two sets. I found that the best way to roll my hair is to use Redken Hot Sets - just spray it right at the roots, and it kind of holds the hair straight up when I roll. That gives some height to your hair.

I've recently used this shampoo I like called "Catwalk" shampoo and conditioner, and it kind of makes your hair thicker. When I was little, my hair was very straight -- but when I went through puberty or something, my hair just got a lot curlier. So it's kind of nice having natural curls sometimes, but on rainy days it's not so great because.... it curls up on you everywhere. Anyway, it does help give some body.

But I've also found that I used to try to wash my hair and straighten it as I blow-dried it, and then rolled it. But I found that the best way.... to give my hair body is to wash it at night and let it air-dry. So it's curly in the morning when I wake up, but I just hot-roll it then, and then it already has that natural body to it, and I have to straighten it out with a hair dryer. And it's also better for your hair, because it's not using a hair dryer on it every day.

S-H: How long does it take to prepare this style?

EF: I guess rolling my hair takes about 10 or 15 minutes -- and since I don't blow-dry, that's no time. So that's not bad at all.

S-H: At the Super-Hair site, we like styles that stay in place.... Does it stay in place pretty well?

EF: It does. I've gotten a few hairsprays that are awesome on my roommates when they use it. My mom got for me -- I don't know where she got it - it's called "Iso-Multiplicity." And it holds! It's almost funny, though, because you have to have it exactly where you want it, because if you want to change it after that, you're in trouble. (Laughs) But it's great for pageants. So once you get your hair exactly how you like it, you spray it and it's not moving.

And it was good for piano, too, because I wanted my hair up, but I didn't want it to be moving if I moved with my head. And it would be good for dancers, things like that, if they didn't want their hair to fall.... and I don't use it as much like in interview or in evening gown, because I want my hair to look natural and flow and not be such, you know, stiff, hard-rock, when I'm walking. You want to be graceful.

S-H: What's the closest call you've had - to your hair totally collapsing?

EF: It's never really collapsed on me. I used to wear it back in a low ponytail, so that was really easy. This is probably the first time at the piano that I've worn it kind of in a French twist.... I used to put it in a big clip with a French twist. But recently, I've used little clips and bobby pins, and that's been the best because the clips don't really secure it, but the bobby pins just add more security.

S-H: Who would you say has the best hairstyle out there, among celebrities you've seen?

EF: I like Julia Roberts. I just think she's got the neatest natural hair, naturally curly hair. And she can just wear it wild, or she can straighten it, roll it - she just looks great to me. I think her hair's wonderful.

(P.S. Emily came back to us after the interview to praise a friend of her mother. Lisa Cook used to be a hairstylist, cut the layers in Emily's style, and worked with her on her hair recently.)

SUMMARY: Emily confirmed to us several things about the art of hair-holding. For one thing, "natural-looking" styles can be the result of natural preparation. The key to strong hair can begin at the base, instead of the ends. And there are times when it pays to pour on extra strength, to prepare for high-pressure situations.

A risky, yet firm style like this leaves us in awe and admiration -- especially if it's as collapse-proof as she says. Emily shows with the right hair, proper care and "beauty smarts" (she's summa cum laude, remember), championship quality Super-Hair is possible day after day even for longer styles.


Super-Hair Q's Archive:

April 2001 - Cindy Hernandez's Cut of Controversy

November 2000 - Gina Tognoni and the Swing

July 2000 - Britney Spears

May 2000 - Shania Twain

March 2000 - Jessica Simpson

Is there a particular woman you'd like us to interview? Do you have a question we should ask? Do you know a woman who's willing to share her secrets of hair success? Simply e-mail us:

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