August 2001: Yolanda Davis and the Flip
We continue a series of interviews with winners of local pageants, who competed for the title of Miss Georgia 2001. We chose three contestants whose hairstyles looked good at first sight - and we found those women indeed take time to make their hair as "Super" as possible.
YOLANDA DAVIS has been a Miss
Georgia contestant for several years -- which means she's
won local contests at several locations in the state. In the
last year, her senior year of college, she made a major style
switch. She had fun talking with us about the change, and
why it matters:
SUPER-HAIR: Tell me about your style. How would you describe it?
YOLANDA DAVIS: I have short hair - it's naturally curly, so I try and straighten it every day -- but it's kind of a flip hairdo. It's courtesy of W.C. Webb from the Parlor [Albany, GA]. I've always had long hair, and last year after Miss Georgia I just decided to go and be daring and cut it all off, so I've enjoyed short hair and kept it that way.... It's just so much easier to do - it takes five minutes to blow-dry my hair, versus it used to take 45 minutes. So it's all about LOW maintenance now. (laughs)
S-H: What do you do to prepare every day -- or do you have to do that much?
YD: Actually I just wash my hair, and then I've got round brushes. And I just blow-dry it straight and go -- spray it with "Weightless" by Rusk, and it's like cement for your hair. (laughs) Keep it in place.... exactly! Keep it in place!
S-H: And does it work for you....
YD: Oh, a tornado could come through and my hair would be the only thing left. (laughs)
S-H: Wow! What do you know....
YD: (Laughing) I could, like, take my hair off every night and put it back on. It does really work. It's good.
S-H: What's the closest call you've had?
YD: In terms of hair? I don't think I've had any close calls. That hairspray keeps it all there. (Laughs)
(With that Yolanda had to go, to take part in a rehearsal.)
SUMMARY: Our interview was short, but to the point -- and Yolanda's style could be described the same way. This short cut looks vulnerable, but with relatively little preparation it becomes an enduring classic look. And if her hairspray is as strong as she claims, we'd want to see this hair under pressure!
If she faced Emily Foster in a Super-Hair War, we're honestly not sure who would win. Foster might be favored, even though her hair is longer, because the style is kept well off the eyes. Yet Davis seems to have rock-solid locks that can take the heat without a flinch. There's a showdown for our "to-do" list....
Super-Hair Q&A Archive:
July 2001 - Miss Georgia 2001, Emily Foster
April 2001 - Cindy Hernandez's Cut of Controversy
November 2000 - Gina Tognoni and the Swing
July 2000 - Britney Spears
May 2000 - Shania Twain
March 2000 - Jessica Simpson
Is there a particular woman you'd like us to interview? Do you have a question we should ask? Do you know a woman who's willing to share her secrets of hair success? Simply e-mail us:
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