
Top Ten Tresses

Our Top Ten styles in the world were first posted 17 Dec 1999, and last ranked by Hair Fans in our annual Cutting-Edge Hair News poll 11-18 August 24. Current as of 4 Feb 25:

#1 - KRISTA ESCAMILLA. The champion of the "Tall City" of Odessa, Texas is an entrepreneur, podcast host and former TV news anchor, with medium-long hair that even defeated her daughter in Cutting-Edge Hair News. It's earned her a Gold Award for one year in the Top Ten!

#2 - URSULA VON DER LEYEN. The President of the European Commission has a short cut which rarely shows signs of weakness, even though she had "severe pneumonia" for a while. She has a Triple Platinum Award as a four-year Top Ten member, and is part of our 25-year "Silver Circle." (Was #4)

#3 - SKYE P. MARSHALL. Since she plays an attorney in the reworking of TV's Matlock, you know her hair has to be good. One website calls her bob "sharp and correct," but a drinking scene almost did it in. (Was #2)

#4 - FAITH ABUBEY. Ghana's loss is ABC News's gain - and becoming a Hair Fan delight. Her mid-length perfection at disaster sites is almost too good to be believed. (Was #5)

#5 - VIKKI ZIEGLER. A New Jersey-New York attorney who specializes in "break-ups." Her thick long hair seems almost incapable of breaking down. (Was #6)

#6 - RILEY GAINES (BARKER). The Kentucky Republican activist's hair isn't always "straight," but it's often larger-than-life and staying in line when you don't think it will. This Crown Award winner somehow was overlooked this year. (Was #7)

#7 - SABRINA SINGH. Daring bangs combined with sleek layers to make this woman worth watching U.S. Defense Department briefings. She's now appearing once in a while on MSNBC - and she has a Gold Award for one year on this list. (Was #2)

#8 - DARIAN JENKINS. If she had shown her natural curls on the pitch the way she does in the studio on CBS and Ion, Hair Fans would fill every National Women's Soccer League stadium. She was a narrow miss for the Crown Award ballot.

#9 - KENDALL GILDING. Currently recovering from endometriosis surgery, she normally reports from Brisbane for Australia's Today Show with precise medium-long hair which always seems to have a g'day. (Position frozen)

#10 - CAITLIN HUEY-BURNS. A CBS News political reporter gaining respect from many Hair Fans. Her perfect medium-short cut won on the campaign trail - but it almost gave in on Inauguration Day.

WHO'S NEW: No changes.

Check our gallery of 311 former Top 10 styles (in three sections).


NOTE: This listing is updated twice per month. Nominations are always welcome; challenges to the names on this list will be considered based on photographic evidence submitted to the Web Manager.

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