Super-Hair Q&A

July 2004: Adrianna Butler's Cheerleader Curls

We always enjoy receiving e-mail about our web site -- especially when you think we're doing well. When the praise comes directly from someone we consider worthy of posting, it's even better.

ADRIANNA BUTLER wrote to compliment Super-Hair.Net, after she learned she was entered in our Dallas-Fort Worth City League competition. If she looks familiar, Butler's approaching her third year as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader - an experience which has put her on calendars, as well as in videos, TV commercials and small acting roles.

We were attracted by Butler's long, flowing curls - and enough Hair Fans were impressed that she finished second in the "D-FW" City League. So when she wrote us, we simply had to write back. We wound up exchanging questions and answers with Butler via e-mail:

SUPER-HAIR: How would you describe your hair and your current style?

ADRIANNA BUTLER: Long, dark and really curly.

S-H: How long have you had your hair in this style?

AB: My hair has been this style for several years. It's funny though, because my hair wasn't super-curly like it is now until I was about 13 years old. Then nature had its way with my hair. So it took me awhile to learn how to work with my curls.

S-H: What do you like most about your current style? Is there anything you dislike about it?

AB: I like that my hair is relatively easy to style and is pretty versatile, but I dislike having to use so many hair products to keep it from getting out of control.

S-H: We're assuming your great curls are natural. Have you ever tried a straight style -- and if you did, how well did it work?

AB: Yes, it is naturally curly and YES, I love to wear it straight. I usually only have it straightened when I go to my salon (Premier Atelier) because they always do a fabulous job and it takes way too much time for me to do it myself. It will stay pretty straight, unless it gets humid or wet. Once that happens, it's all over and the curls re-emerge.

S-H: What routine do you go through (if you have one) to prepare your hair for a game? Do you wear it unpinned on the field, or pin it up?

AB: I just wash, super-condition and put tons of gel in it. I use my diffuser to blow it dry, so the curls are soft. Then, I usually clip it up for a few minutes after I blow dry to give it some added volume, but I never wear it up on the field. I need to be able to let it move when I dance.

S-H: Do you use any specific treatments or products to keep the hair in place?

AB: Lots of gel, usually Vavoom Glaze. Once in awhile, I use activator gel, which is great because it is inexpensive and seals moisture in my hair, but it can be tricky to use. For games, Frizz Ease makes a wonderful aerosol hairspray that really helps fight off the humidity.

S-H: What's the biggest problem you face keeping your hair in place? Or keeping your curls in proper shape?

AB: My curls are crazy, so they never really stay where I want them, but the best way to make my curls last is just to touch them as little as possible.

S-H: When was the last time your hair fell into your eyes in public? How did it happen?

AB: Every single time I dance, my hair is all in my face. It gets caught in my eyelashes and my mouth constantly. I was a ballet dancer before I became a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader, so I always had my hair pulled back in a bun and never had to worry about anything like that happening. Dancing with my hair down has definitely been an adjustment for me, but now I'm used to it.

S-H: What advice would you give someone who wanted to develop great hair?

AB: Take good care of it! Don't over-process it or over-style it. I also love to try lots of new products. For women that have to battle "the frizz", finding a really good product can make all the difference, so it is worth the trial and error. I've even had great results just trying different amounts and combinations of products.

S-H: Who would you consider to have the best head of hair you've ever seen?

AB: Jessica Simpson. Her hair is a beautiful color, and is so soft and healthy-looking. I always wanted to be a blonde, but that aside, her hair is just incredible.

S-H: We understand you would have voted for Megan Henderson [left] over yourself, in our City League finals. Why?

AB: She has gorgeous hair! The color and the cut suit her perfectly, plus her hair is super-shiny. I think her look is very glamorous, which I love. Besides, everyone knows all women want the hair they don't have.

SUMMARY: Butler may call her curls "crazy," but it's clear from our voting that a good number of Hair Fans are crazy about them. She's offered several wonderful tips here for keeping long hair in order, as well as in top shape. It's interesting to consider how delicate her locks are. They admittedly take work - but she's in a part of the U.S. where many women are known for working hard on their styles, and the results here are worth it.

We're coming to the conclusion that great natural curls can be addictive. Once you see them, you simply can't get enough of them. (Oops, like three of our last six interviews!?!?) While she may not meet our Super-Hair definition, Adrianna's curls are great to admire in place - and we'll be watching for them in action along the Texas Stadium sideline. In this case, truly "the Butler" did it. And did it well.

(Special thanks to Miko Bagley with the Cowboys staff for arranging our interview!)


Super-Hair Q&A Archive:

April 2004 - Susan McGinnis Goes Longer

March 2004 -- Bonnie Behrend

February 2004 -- Debra Messing's Stylist, Luke O'Connor

December 2003 -- Bonnie Bernstein, Crown Award Record-Breaker

November 2003 -- Kienji's colossal curls

September 2003 -- Aimee Myer, Aspiring Teen Model

June 2003 -- Deborah Gianoulis, Jacksonville Journalist

May 2003 -- Allison Curran, 2002 Best Hairstyle in Athletics

February 2003 -- Danae DeMasi, 2001 Newcomer of the Year

December 2002 -- Shannon Oliver of "The Bachelor"

October 2002 - Carolyn Hughes

August 2002 - Lynne Russell

June 2002 -- Eva Chavela, Rock Singer

April 2002 - Susan McGinnis, Best Bangs/Best Short Hair 2002

December 2001 - Rachael Nama and the "Locklear Look"

November 2001 - Onnie Willis, Gymnastics Champion

August 2001 - Yolanda Davis and The Flip

July 2001 - Miss Georgia 2001, Emily Foster

April 2001 - Cindy Hernandez's Cut of Controversy

November 2000 - Gina Tognoni and the Swing*

July 2000 - Britney Spears "FAQ's"

May 2000 - Shania Twain*

March 2000 - Jessica Simpson*

* Interviews with expert stylists about the woman's hair.

Do you know a woman who's willing to share her secrets of hair success? Is there a particular woman you'd like us to interview? Do you have a question we should ask? Simply e-mail us: .

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